Older girls' school shoes

Getting ready for the back-to-school return? Or, is it just about that time for an in-between-terms switch-up? Look no further! In our range of older girls' school shoes, smart black designs and leather styles are on hand to help ready your teen for whatever the school day has to offer. Chunky soles, chain detailing and tassels mean our selection is the best if you're looking for trendy school shoes for a teenage girl. Shop the latest women’s school shoes at affordable prices from trusted brands like Clarks, Kickers and Platino, here at Wynsors.

When style is their number-one priority, finding school shoes for older girls can often be a challenge! From their morning commute to the end of the school day, it's important to buy footwear that offers comfort and durability to carry them through more than just a single term. Our affordable collection of older girls' and women's school shoes features trendy black and leather designs that are a dream for high-school wear. With sleek brogues, ballet pumps and loafers available from reliable brands such as Clarks, Kickers and Platino, your high-schooler will be at the top of the class when it comes to style!

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